News from the Congregation March 19, 2018
A Message from the Wardens
Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise: that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Collect for the fifth Sunday in Lent)
Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation of Saint Saviour,
Weekly Parish Council Services
This Wednesday, March 21, will be the last of the weekly Lenten services and fellowship at our neighboring Episcopal churches. It will take place at All Souls’ Church 88 St. Nicholas Avenue.
Looking toward Palm Sunday and Holy Week
Like last year, the 11:00 a.m. service will start with the Liturgy of the Palms outside, in front of the Town Building, on the south side of the cathedral followed by a procession towards Amsterdam Avenue and then through the front entrance of the Cathedral. If you would find this procession too physically challenging you may enter the Cathedral through the side entrance (the 5 door) after the liturgy. Let’s hope for sunshine!
Maundy Thursday all night vigil, March 29
A very moving part of Holy Week is the all-night vigil in the Baptistry after the Maundy Thursday service. People are welcome to come throughout the night and spend an hour in silence and prayer before the reserved Sacrament. If you plan to participate in this vigil please email the wardens ( and let us know when you plan to be present. We will also have a sign-up sheet next Sunday.
Easter Passes
Easter is one of those days when the world seems to come to church. If you would like passes so that you can sit in the reserved section with other members of the community, ask a warden on Palm Sunday. We will have a supply of passes in our pockets.
The Ministry of Hospitality
We are an unusual community in that we worship both with each other and with a constantly-changing cast of dozens if not hundreds of people from every corner of the earth. Our ushers are often the first people our visitors meet, and their ministry of hospitality is central to the mission of the Cathedral. We are always in need of ushers, both for regular Sunday services, and for the big occasions like Holy Week.
If you feel a calling to participate, you can commit at whatever level feels comfortable – one, twice, three times a month, only for big holidays, etc. Please see Tim for further information or email
March for our Lives, March 24 – Washington DC and New York City
The House of Bishops has strongly endorsed our participation in this march for life led by high school students calling for sane gun legislation. Bishops Dietsche, Shin and Glasspool are encouraging as many members of the Diocese as can to participate as well. To march in New York with other Episcopalians the meeting place is, conveniently, our own Cathedral. Marchers will meet in the Poets’ Bay on the North side of the nave at 9:00 a.m. The march begins at West 72nd Street and Central Park. If the crowd becomes too big the entrance will be moved north by the police to West 79th street. The march will move south. That’s all we know at this point. Trinity Wall Street has rented busses for those wanting to travel to Washington that day and is committed to sending as many young people as possible down to the march in the Capitol. To sign up for Washington as a young person or as a chaperone, go to and fill out the application. You will be expected to attend a training session.
Stewardship Corner
Did you know that those who pledge $1000 or more to the Congregation are made members of the Society of Regents at the Cathedral? Supporting the Congregation automatically translates into supporting the Cathedral! Regents at the $1000 level are offered reserved seating to two “signature” events such as the Christmas Concert, New Year’s Eve Concert for Peace, etc. You will also be invited to two special events for Cathedral Regents. This is a gracious thank you from the Cathedral for your support. New pledges are always welcome.
Cathedral Community Cares (CCC) March Collection
For March you are asked to bring in coffee, tea, and sugar for the CCC pantry. Please continue to leave your donations on the table next to the coffee set-up and volunteers will bring the items to CCC. On Easter Sunday the collection will be hams, turkeys, etc. to be brought down to the soup kitchen before the service. We will be having a “spring cleaning” clothes drive for the rest of the month of April. CCC manager Thomas Perry thanks you all for your continued support of this ministry.
Bible Study led by Dr. Jon Aceto
Will be held on Palm Sunday but will not be held on Easter Sunday.
For whom then should we pray?
To ask that the name of a loved one be placed on the Sunday intercession list and printed in the service leaflet, contact the Pastoral Care office at or 212-316-7483. Names remain on the list for no longer than three weeks. Thanksgivings may also be offered.
May you continue to have a Holy Lent.
Tim Dwyer and Marsha Ra
MARCH 19, 2018