Saint Saviour’s offers numerous ways to connect and grow through shared interests, advocacy groups, working committees, and lay ministries. All are welcome.
Spiritual Formation
Adult Formation
Bible Study
Weekend Retreats
Congregation Ministries
Events and Hospitality
Giving and Stewardship
Fellowship Groups
Divine Fellowship (LGBTQ+)
OPUS - Older People Up to Something
RRR - Racial Reconciliation and Reparations
YESS - Young Episcopalians of St. Saviour
Spiritual Formation
Adult Formation
| Adult Formation Classes
The Cathedral clergy offer drop-in classes on a range of theological topics. Current Topic: TBA
| Education for Ministry (EfM) Thursdays 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Designed for lay people who want to delve more deeply but are not necessarily interested in ordination, EfM classes provide a more formal study of scriptures and the history of the faith. Current Topic: “Living into the Journey with God”
Bible Study
| The God of Second Chances: Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Wednesdays 7:30 pm on Zoom
The Congregation has been sponsoring Fall and Lenten retreats at Holy Cross monastery (www.holycrossmonastery.com) for at least 20 years. These small group (15 people) events are a wonderful chance to be quiet and lay aside responsibility for a few days. These retreats are structured around the monks’ daily offices which are chanted in their chapel. All are welcome to join the brothers in these meditative sessions. Between the offices, the retreat group meets in a comfortable room and is led in conversation and prayer by the retreat leader.
Sample: Fall 2021 Retreat: Letting Go — and Taking Hold Oct. 29-31
Congregation Ministries
Hospitality/Events Committee
Promotes fellowship, understanding and community for Congregation members and non-members through social gatherings that bring together women, men, and children of diverse backgrounds and cultures.
Stewardship Committee
The programming, outreach, and ministries supported by St. Saviour would be impossible without the generous donations and pledged support of its members.
Outreach and Volunteer Opportunities
St. Saviour partners with Cathedral Community Cares, helping to organize monthly drives for donated goods, preparing meals in the Soup Kitchen, and serving as tutors.
Fellowship Groups
Divine Fellowship (LGBTQ+)
A group dedicated to promoting fellowship among the LGBTQ+ and ally communities, including opportunities for volunteering and partnering with other LGBTQ+ organizations on service projects, commemorations and celebrations.
Older People Up to Something brings together persons 65 and older for congenial conversation and activities of mutual interest.
Young Adults at Saint Saviour (YASS) are parishioners in their 20s & 30s who meet regularly for spiritual reflection, service projects, and social events.