Iconic Pride Faith Perspectives Panel
Iconic Pride: Faith Perespectives Panel
Hosted by Dean Pat Malloy
The Rev. Dr. Mary Barber, Episcopal priest, psychiatrist, professor at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, widely published author on LGBTQ+ issues in a number of medical and psychological / psychiatric journals
The Rev. Dr. Charlie Bell, priest of the Church of England, psychiatrist, professor at Cambridge University and King’s College London, author of Queer Holiness and the forthcoming Light to Those in Darkness: Total Pain and the Body of Christ.
The Rev. Dr. Patrick Cheng, Episcopal priest, attorney, professor at Union Theological Seminary, author of Rainbow Theology and numerous other books and articles on the intersection of Christianity and Queer identity
The Rev. James Martin, SJ, Roman Catholic priest in the Society of Jesus, editor-at-large of America magazine, and author of Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity. A film about Father Martin’s ministry debuted at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2021.

Blessing of the Global Pandemics Touchstone
Blessing of the Global Pandemics Touchstone: May 28 The Peace Abbey's Global Pandemics Touchstone will be blessed during Evensong and will remain at the Cathedral until Tuesday morning, May 30, when it will be installed at its final resting place on Hart Island. All are invited.

Ordination of Fr. Matt Heyd as Bishop Coadjutor
Please join us on Saturday, May 20 for the Ordination of Fr. Matt Heyd as Bishop Coadjutor.
Prelude music will begin at 10:15 a.m.
The procession will begin at 10:30 a.m.
The service will begin at 11 a.m.
General Seating is open to all on a first come first served basis!
After the service, there will be a reception on the Cathedral Close featuring food trucks, ice cream, abundant desserts provided by our congregations - and a DJ!
The Consecration will be streamed live starting at 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, May 20 on the Cathedral of St. John the Divine's YouTube Channel.

New York Episcopal Federal Credit Union Launch - Bronx
The New York Episcopal Federal Credit Union Launch will take place at St. James Episcopal Church in Fordham on May 18. Bishop Andrew Dietsche and Bishop Coadjutor-Elect Matt Heyd have confirmed their attendance.
St James Episcopal Church, Fordham
2500 Jerome Avenue
Bronx, NY 10468

Iconic Pride: The Composers of Pride Evensong
Iconic Pride: The Composers of Pride Evensong
TUESDAY, MAY 9, 2023
4 PM - 5 PM
A conversation with Cathedral music staff discussing the history of LGBTQ composers and how they will be featured at our upcoming Pride Evensong on June 18.
Featuring: Daniel Ficarri, Associate Music Director & Organist and Jie Yi, Music Administrator
Please RSVP to Emma Reber to recieve this link.

25th Annual Blessing of the Bicycles
The 25th annual Blessing of the Bicycles. All are welcome to celebrates the lives of bike riders, pray for the safety of all riders, and honor cycling in its many forms! All bikers, skaters, scooter-riders, and users of self-propelled vehicles are welcome. More information here.

Paul Daniels’s Installation via Zoom
Rev. Paul Daniels will be installed as the new rector of St. Mary’s in the Palms in Los Angeles, CA.
From Fr. Daniels:
With deep gratitude for your friendship, continued support, and ever present prayers, please find an invitation to my installation as Rector of The Parish of St. Mary in Palms in Los Angeles, CA, below.
For those who cannot join in person, you may stream here.

Easter Sunday Service
Easter Service 2018
O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquillity the plan of salvation; let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
The Bishop of New York will preach on this joyous Easter morning.
Music for the liturgy will be led by the Cathedral Choirs, Cathedral Brass and Paul Winter.
Note: there will be an organ prelude beginning at 10:15 AM. Those with passes should plan their arrival accordingly.
Option 1: Go to the Cathedral website.
Option 2: Watch the service on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.

Easter Vigil Service
Easter Day is the pinnacle of the Christian year. It celebrates that Jesus is risen and alive, and that he continues his ministry with his community of disciples in the Church. Two of the places where the Christian community encounters Jesus are Baptism and the Holy Eucharist, and so Easter is the principal day for these two Sacraments.
The Great Vigil of Easter is the first liturgy of Easter Day and the Easter Season. It opens with the kindling of a fire, then a long series of readings sketching out God’s saving acts in Jewish and Christian biblical history. The Eucharist – the first Eucharist of Easter – marks the first time the newly baptized will join other Christians in partaking of the Lord’s Supper.
Good Friday Service
The Triduum continues with the Prayer Book’s liturgy of the word, including the solemn chanting of the Passion According to John. The Prayers of the People this day are enacted in the most ancient form still in use in the Western Church: the Solemn Collects. At the close of the service, the congregation will process to the steps of the Cathedral, where a cross will be unveiled for veneration until 3 pm. Please note, the Holy Communion will NOT be distributed during this service.
The second liturgy of Good Friday in the Book of Common Prayer has three principal segments: readings from Scripture culminating in the proclamation of the Passion According to John, a series of ancient prayers for the whole Church and the entire world, the veneration of a cross, and, in some places, the reception of Holy Communion consecrated the night before.
The Cathedral requires those entering its buildings to show proof of vaccination and to wear a mask.
Go to the Cathedral website or watch the service on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.

Maundy Thursday Service
Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday form a three-day observance called the Paschal Triduum. In the liturgical reckoning as in Jewish reckoning, the day begins at sundown. So the observance of the Friday/Saturday/Sunday feast begins as darkness falls on Thursday.
The first service of the Triduum, Maundy Thursday, celebrates Jesus' self-offering and the Church’s participation in it even today: the community where Jesus continues his ministry. Members of the assembly wash one another’s feet according to Jesus’ mandate when, at his Last Supper, he washed the feet of his disciples as a servant might in those days. The Latin word for mandate is mandatum, the root of the word “maundy.”
Option 1: Go to the Cathedral website.
Option 2: Watch the service on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.

Palm Sunday Service
The last week of the 40-day season of Lent, Holy Week, begins with Passion Sunday, commonly called Palm Sunday. The liturgy centers on the proclamation of the record of Jesus' betrayal, trial, suffering, death, and burial.
The liturgy of Passion Sunday begins with a remembrance of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. It includes the blessing of palm branches, which members of the assembly then carry in procession and take home to use as objects of devotion.
In-Person Worship at the Cathedral
10:00 am - Doors to Cathedral open.
10:30 am - Eucharist Service (apprx. 1 hour)
(Gather at Town House to process in. Palm fronds will be available)
Option 1: Go to the Cathedral website.
Option 2: Watch on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.
There will be palm fronds available near the entrance to the Cathedral.

Interparish Lenten Food and Service
The Manhattan North Inter-Parish Council’s Wednesday Lenten Service is coming to St John the Divine. The Congregation of Saint Saviour is hosting this week’s service. It’s a lovely opportunity to break bread with your neighboring Episcopalians. Come join us please!
5:30pm: Food (Yummy!) and Community (Rewarding!)
6:30pm: Service (Eucharist!)

Service of Apology for Slavery
The Bishop of New York Invites you to join him and the people of the Episcopal Diocese of New York in a solemn Service of Apology for the participation and complicity of the diocese and its members in the Transatlantic Slave Trade and in that trade’s continuing aftermath and consequences.
On Saturday, March 25, Beginning at Noon At the Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
The Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche Presiding and Preaching
Video address by the Presiding Bishop The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry

Young Adults Bible Fellowship
All members of the Cathedral Community and Congregation in their 20s and 30s are invited to a monthly Bible study hosted by the Young Adults of Saint Saviour.
This Sunday, March 19 after the 10:30 AM service at Saint John the Divine, the young adults will gather in one of the chapels for a Bible study on the day’s readings. Thanks to all who have joined so far for discussions of Jesus’ call for us to change our hearts at the beginning of his ministry, the transformations in the story of the Transfiguration, and the meaning of Lent. This week we are looking forward to considering what God sees in David that others do not see in the first book of Samuel and the story of the man born blind in the Gospel According to John. As always, all young adults (20s and 30s) are welcome, and no preparation or previous Bible study experience is necessary.

How the Cathedral Cares for Our City
How the Cathedral Cares for Our City!
A virtual conversation discussing current trends in immigration and food insecurity and how Cathedral Community Cares (CCC) is meeting those needs.
Moderator: Rev. Eva Suarez, Associate for Community Engagement
Thomas Perry, Vanessa Greco, Robert Finn at Cathedral Community Cares
Patrick Bergquist, Oluwatobi "Tobi" Mojeed-Balogun at Episcopal Charities
Nicole Hunt, Isabella Divilova at Food Bank NYC
Zoom link sent upon RSVP
RSVP to Emma Reber at ereber@stjohndivine.org by February 17th

A Coffee-Hour Welcome with a Mardi Gras Theme
February 19 will be a very special Sunday. We will welcome Mother Eva Suarez as a new priest at the Cathedral. We will welcome St. Martin and St. Luke's Church, which is celebrating its 95th anniversary. It is also the last Sunday before Lent. And so we are pulling out all the stops with a Mardi Gras themed coffee hour in the nave complete with King Cake and carnival beads.

Renewal of Marriage Vows
This Valentine’s Day renew your marriage vows!
Celebrate Valentine's Day at the Cathedral!
Join the Very Rev. Patrick Malloy, Dean of the Cathedral, for a special toast and service to renew your wedding vows
The Cathedral is inclusive of all
RSVP to Emma Reber at ereber@stjohndivine.org by February 3rd
Until the day breaks and the shadows flee, turn, my beloved,
and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the rugged hills.

Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration Service Online
This Service will be streamed live on the Cathedral Website (stjohndivine.org), on the Cathedral YouTube Channel and on the Cathedral Facebook page, beginning at 10:30 a.m
Blessed Absalom Jones Celebration Service
Holy Eucharist — 10:30am
Officiant: The Rt. Rev. Andrew M. L. Dietsche, Bishop of New York
Sermon: Catherine Meeks, PhD. Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing
The service will held in-person at the church and simultaneously accessed via Zoom.

Saint Saviour Annual Meeting
Don’t miss this once-a-year gathering in which Saint Saviour’s vicar, vestry, and lay leaders give an account of the Congregation’s adult formation classes, fellowship opportunities, outreach efforts, and its financial activities. In addition, voting will take place for the vestry nominees; their bios and voting eligibility rules are available on this page.
The Annual Meeting will take place in Saint James Chapel at the Cathedral.

Cathedral Seminar on Planned Giving
Values and Priorities
Everyone needs a plan for the future. Learn the steps for making an end-of-life plan that prioritizes your values and beliefs while alleviating stress, worry, and chaos for your loved ones.
Samantha Hall, Coordinator for Pastoral Care
Adrienne Laws, End-of-Life Doula
The Rev. Steven Lee, Canon and Vicar
James Murphy, Planned giving expert, Episcopal Church Foundation
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
12:00PM - 1:00PM
Zoom link sent upon RSVP
RSVP to Emma Reber at ereber@stjohndivine.org by January 23rd

Martin Luther King, Jr. Spiritual Sing and Readings
Join renowned composer and song leader Alice Parker for the Cathedral's annual Spiritual Sing in honor of Martin Luther King.
Ms. Parker leads all in attendance singing beloved Spirituals and Mr. Roosevelt Credit will read from the writing and speeches of Dr. King.
This gathering lasts an hour and takes place in the Nave of the Cathedral. It is free and open to the public.
Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery, and made them free at last: Grant that your church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may strive to secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. - BCP

Cathedral Christmas Day Service In-Person and Livestream
No passes are needed to attend Christmas morning service.
The Dean of the Cathedral presides, and the Bishop of New York preaches.
The service will be accessible on the Cathedral’s website, and/or Facebook page, and YouTube channel.
Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10, 11

Christmas Eve Festal Eucharist In-Person and Livestream
Christmas Eve Festal Eucharist
Link for Passes
10:00 pm - Musical Prelude
10:30 pm - Service
COVID-19 Policies
Livestream Options
Option 1: Go to the Cathedral website.
Option 2: Watch on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.
O God, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of thy only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that as we joyfully receive him for our Redeemer, so we may with sure confidence behold him when he shall come to be our Judge; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

Cathedral Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols
Link for passes
3:30pm: Pre-festival Christmas Carol Sing-a-long
4:00pm: Lessons and Carols
The Service of Lessons and Carols is a recent but now classical element of Anglican Liturgy. Carols were a part of England’s secular Christmas celebration, but were only added to church worship services in the mid-19th century with the creation of a service of nine lessons (readings) interspersed with carols.
Join us as we listen to the Cathedral’s fantastic choir sing 12 Christmas hymns, and we read together nine passages from the Old and New Testament that speak to our creation, fall, and redemption in Christ.
Photo Credit: Ken Yanagisawa, Cathedral of St John the Divine Archives

Blue Christmas at the Cathedral
Blue Christmas is a day in the Advent season which marks the longest night of the year as we await the joy of Jesus' birth. For those grieving, caregiving, or feeling isolated from family, the joy of the holiday season can be out of reach. On Sunday, December 18th, we invite you to join the Cathedral of St. John the Divine at a community gathering to acknowledge these feelings and inspire hope and comfort.

Human Rights Eucharist Honoring Eleanor Roosevelt
DECEMBER 10, 12:15 PM
The Diocese of New York is initiating grassroots observances of a new feast day honoring Eleanor Roosevelt, to be held annually on the United Nations’ Human Rights Day. Roosevelt (d. 1962) served as the First Lady of the United States (1933–1945), then as the country’s first Delegate to a newly formed United Nations. She chaired the UN Commission on Human Rights, whose members found unity under her leadership to draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On December 10, 1948, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration, which set forth fundamental human rights to be universally protected.
The Cathedral will be among several congregations across the diocese observing this new local feast day. Our liturgy will be a typical mid-day Eucharist in St. Martin’s Chapel, beginning at 12:15 p.m. and concluding by 1:00 p.m., yet will include readings and prayers appropriate for Human Rights Day and in remembrance of Eleanor Roosevelt. These will include a reading of the entire Declaration, and you will be invited to participate. Hearing the Declaration read aloud is both quite moving and an expression of our commitment today to respect, and advocate for, as Eleanor Roosevelt did, the rights and dignity of all people.

Young Adults (20s & 30s) Meet for Free Lunch
The Young Episcopalians of Saint Saviour (Y.E.S.S.) will be hosting a lunch right after the Sunday service. Plan to meet inside the Cathedral near the “All Are Welcome Coffee Hour” table.
First timers are welcome to this casual get-to-know-each-other lunch at a local restaurant.

Cathedral Community Cares Thanksgiving Cooked Food Donations
THANKSGIVING COOKED FOOD DONATIONS - Drop-off at CCC by 9:00am Sunday, Nov. 20
Cathedral Community Cares offers balanced, healthy takeaway meals for our friends from across the city, with no registration or eligibility requirements. T
Your help is needed to make CCC's Thanksgiving offering nutritious and festive for our clients. Donations of pies, cakes, and fully-cooked chickens or turkeys are highly requested and appreciated. Please drop off food donations at the CCC offices on Sunday, November 20 by 9 am.