The last week of the 40-day season of Lent, Holy Week, begins with Passion Sunday, commonly called Palm Sunday. The liturgy centers on the proclamation of the record of Jesus' betrayal, trial, suffering, death, and burial.
The liturgy of Passion Sunday begins with a remembrance of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. It includes the blessing of palm branches, which members of the assembly then carry in procession and take home to use as objects of devotion.
In-Person Worship at the Cathedral
10:00 am - Doors to Cathedral open.
10:30 am - Eucharist Service (apprx. 1 hour)
(Gather at Town House to process in. Palm fronds will be available)
Option 1: Go to the Cathedral website.
Option 2: Watch on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.
There will be palm fronds available near the entrance to the Cathedral.