Giving and Stewardship
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
Maya Angelou
Realm is Saint Saviour’s secure, hassle-free online giving platform and church directory, Congregants can set up their own profile pages, track and change the amounts they give, how they give, and when they give. Any gift will be automatically matched with a membership account.
If you are a member and have not been able to log in to Realm, contact Laura and Bob at info@saintsaviour.org for help.
Building Community Through Stewarship
Dear Members & Friends of The Congregation of Saint Saviour,
A blessed Advent to you from the Stewardship & Communications Committee!
This Sunday, December 11, marks the kickoff of our 2022-2023 Stewardship campaign, Building Community Through Stewardship. As our Senior Warden mentioned in her newsletter column last week, we are facing a deficit of approximately $20,000 for 2022. We’d love to end the year in the black so that we can continue to support the mission of the Congregation and undertake new avenues of ministry. Active stewardship is a central aspect of building community, so let us be conscious of the marvelous gift we have been given that is incumbent on us to sustain.
Your generous gifts support:
Our financial obligation to the Cathedral
Our mission of cultivating and nurturing discipleship
Our invaluable assistance to Cathedral Community Cares
Our initiatives to extend hospitality to our neighbors, both near and far
And much, much more.
We cordially invite you to join us this Sunday after the 10:30am service for a festive coffee hour with an assortment of delicious refreshments. Members of the SCC will be present to discuss our vision of giving out of gratitude to build community, and to offer assistance with Realm, our online giving portal.
See you Sunday!
The Stewardship & Communications Committee
Sharné Jackson, Christopher Clowdus, Karl Taps Scott Klein. Oliver Mahrdt
Discover why !
Stewardship 2021 Campaign
We are full of hope!
As viruses of the body and soul rage across the world, we pray for recovery and healing.
As calls for social and racial justice echo through country, we have raised our voices and taken to the streets.
As members of our Congregation have needed emotional and spiritual support, we have ministered to one other.
We are full of life!
Your support has enabled us to remain active, even in exile:
We help fund Cathedral Community Cares and the Sunday Soup Kitchen, which gives out bagged lunches to over 400 people each week
We have built a welcoming digital cathedral. We attend worship services, gather together at coffee half-hour, study Scripture, take classes in Church history, and are undertaking a transformative anti-racism discussion toward building a Beloved Community.
We donated $5,000 to “Hope for Harlem”—an event to provide groceries and hot food for our neighbors in need, which supported over 2,000 families.
Our Pastoral Care Committee has been checking-in with all Congregation members to address prayer requests and any immediate needs.
We are providing crucial support to the Cathedral’s efforts to reopen its sacred space for prayer and meditation.
We are full of gratitude!
Despite the physical distance, we are still present for one another. We are grateful for our Community, and gratitude compels us to give.
Especially in the midst of uncertainty, Stewardship is a call to give out of faith and be ready to share so that all our futures are more secure. We understand that many are struggling and may not be in a financial position to give as much this year, and there is absolutely no shame in having to adjust giving. When financial struggles arise, we give of our time, talent, and action. Giving back to the church community that sustains us helps us realize a life truly worth living.
Ways to Give
Preferred Method - Realm
Method 1 - Give through Realm, our online church management system. Realm enables congregants to set up their own personal account. You can track and edit your giving preferences at any time. It’s a secure, hassle-free method of pledging your support. Your gift will be automatically matched with your membership account. If you are a member and have not been able to log in to Realm, contact Laura and Bob at info@saintsaviour.org for help.
Method 2 - Give by Autocheck. Arrange with your bank to send a check to the Pastoral Care Office automatically each week or month. Your gift will be manually matched with your account. (Please make your checks payable to The Congregation of Saint Saviour.)
Method 3 - Give by cash or check. (Please make your checks payable to The Congregation of Saint Saviour and mail them to: Congregation of Saint Saviour, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10025)
If you have any questions, please contact info@saintsaviour.org.
Wish to give but are not a member of the Congregation?
Click here or use the Give Button to make a one-time donation or set up scheduled payments. You decide how much and how often.
Wish to move your giving online?
Realm enables congregants to set up their own personal account. You can track and edit your giving preferences at any time. It’s a secure, hassle-free method of showing your support. If you are a member and have not been able to log in to Realm, contact info@saintsaviour.org for help.