News from the Congregation January 8, 2018

A Message from the Wardens at Saint Saviour

“Father in heaven, who at the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan proclaimed him your beloved Son and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: Grant that all who are baptized into his Name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Savior; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.”

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation of Saint Saviour,

Toy Drive Report

First, we thank you warmly for participating in the Toy Drive for Cathedral Community Cares.  Thomas Perry, the director of CCC, reports that the Congregation donated 162 toys and 200 books.  Well done, Congregation!  A special expression of thanks is due to Sonia Omulepu who spearheaded the drive.

January Drive for Warm Hats, Gloves and Scarves

Not resting on our laurels, and in keeping with our promise to make CCC a priority, we now invite you to participate in a drive for warm hats, gloves and scarves for men, women and children.  In this extreme cold weather, please help us keep people warm. Bring hats, gloves and scarves to church with you January 14, 21 and 28.  A box will be placed near the congregation table at coffee hour after the 9:00 a.m. and 11 a.m. services.  Each week’s collection will immediately be taken to CCC for distribution.

Martin Luther King Day observance, January 14

Dr. Martin Luther King’s life will be celebrated at the Cathedral on January 14.  The 11 am Choral Eucharist will be offered in honor of Dr. King’s life and legacy. After the service the Congregation offers its usual Second Sunday hospitality in Cathedral House.  After enjoying a light lunch and some fellowship, return to the Cathedral at 2:00 p.m. to join in a community sing drawing upon the music that helped propel the Civil Rights movement.  The hymn-sing will be led by Alice Parker, choral conductor, educator and Artistic Director of Melodious Accord.

We can’t send you this note without urging those who haven’t pledged to do so this month.  If you have not, please consider filling out a pledge card and either mailing it into the office or dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday. It is difficult for the Vestry to budget and plan when so many of you, while generous in your weekly offerings, do not go on record with annual pledge.  Supporting your church community will enable us to offer more needed programs and support the work of CCC and the Cathedral.  If you have, THANK YOU!

Reminder:  This coming Saturday, Inter Parish Council Epiphany party, Cathedral House, 1:30 – 4:00.

Congregation Annual Meeting:  Sunday February 4th 12:30

Blessings in this Season of Epiphany,

Your wardens,

Tim Dwyer and Marsha Ra

A Message from Canon Patrick Malloy

If you are an adult and are interested in being baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, please contact me or Steven Lee so that we can set up a one-to-one meeting in the few weeks. We will be enrolling all unbaptized adults interested in baptism into the catechumenate* on Sunday, February 18, 2018. So we hope to have these one-to-one meetings completed in late January and early February. Throughout Lent, those who have enrolled into the catechumenate will receive instruction and formation in the Christian faith in preparation for their baptism at the Easter Vigil.

*NOTE: As the Book of Occasional Services describes, the catechumenate is "a period of training and instruction in Christian understandings about God, human relationships, and the meaning of life, which culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation." This is an ancient form of preparation for adult baptism, practiced by the early church, which is being revived in the Episcopal church today.

JANUARY 8, 2018


News from the Congregation January 15, 2018


News from the Congregation January 1, 2018