News from the Congregation January 1, 2018
A Message From the Wardens at Saint Saviour
“Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, enkindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.”
Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation of Saint Saviour,
Quiet has settled on us as the excitement and glory of Christmas Eve have passed. Parties with rich food and drink leave us thinking again about those annual New Year’s resolutions “This year I’m going to get into shape!” But before you start that vegan, paleo, Weight Watchers, or other diet, let us offer you more opportunities to celebrate:
Epiphany Party
You are invited to an Epiphany party sponsored by the Manhattan North Inter Parish Council. The party takes place in Cathedral House on Saturday, January 13 from 1:30 to 4:00. This annual event is a chance to meet active members of the twelve Episcopal churches that are north of the Cathedral and increase our awareness that we at Saint Saviour’s are part of a larger church community. There will be good food, good conversation, games and a fun grab-bag type gift exchange. Please bring a wrapped gift suitable for an adult and worth approximately $20.
Second Sunday Hospitality
The next day, Sunday, January 14, is our regular monthly Second Sunday, also in Cathedral House after the 11:00 a.m. service. Why not invite a new member or visitor to the Cathedral to join us for this friendly luncheon? There are usually more visitors at the 11:00 a.m. service than members of Saint Saviour. Here’s a good opportunity for us to extend hospitality to the stranger.
A Change (just a little one)
If you are a member of the congregation you should be receiving in the mail a set of contribution envelopes. If the number on your box in 2017 was 251 or higher, you will notice that the number this year has changed. We have consolidated the numbers as a small step in stewardship of our resources. Please do not use any of the 2017 envelopes you may have left over, but switch to the 2018 envelopes. This will help us avoid errors in recording your gifts. If you have not received the box by the end of the week, please email Marsha Ra.
The stewardship campaign continues through January. Thank you to all who have made a pledge for 2018. If you have not, please consider filling out a pledge card and either mailing it into the office or dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday. It is difficult for the Vestry to budget and plan when so many of you, while generous in your weekly offerings, do not go on record with annual pledge. Supporting your church community will enable us to offer more needed programs and support the work of CCC and the Cathedral.
Save the Date: Annual Meeting Sunday February 4th 12:30
Please make every effort to attend and help to shape our future direction.
Happy New Year!
Tim Dwyer and Marsha Ra
JANUARY 1, 2018