News from the Congregation January 30, 2018
A Message From the Wardens
“Almighty and everliving God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation of Saint Saviour,
The Book of Common Prayer seems to have a prayer for every occasion. We offer this prayer as we prepare for our annual meeting, this coming Sunday.
Congregation Annual Meeting: Sunday February 4th 12:30
After a nourishing lunch, courtesy of the Events Committee, we will have an election to fill four vacancies on the vestry and one warden as well as representatives to the Manhattan North Inter-parish Council. We will share highlights of the annual report, discuss the state of the congregation, meet staff and clergy and talk about the search for a new vicar. We will hear your ideas and your concerns. The nominations committee is presenting this slate of nominees: Information has been mailed to contributing members. Please plan to come to this important meeting. To vote, one must be a contributing member of the Congregation. However everyone is welcome to come, have lunch and join the discussion.
Lent, 2018
The Lenten program is shaping up nicely for our community. At this point we have classes on Baptism offered by Canon Patrick Malloy Sundays in Lent after the 11:00 a.m. service beginning February 18. The classes will take place in Cathedral House and include a light lunch. Though designed for those planning to be baptized or confirmed, the classes will be open to everyone. This will be an opportunity to reflect on our own Baptisms.
The Congregation is offering a Lenten Retreat led by Deacon Curtis at Mariandale Retreat Center, March 9-11. Those who attended the retreat he led last Lent know that they are in for a moving experience, a chance to share, ponder and pray. This year we will use a book entitled Meditations on the Way of the Cross as our guide. This book was co-authored by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Brother Roger, founder of an ecumenical Christian monastic order in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. Copies will be made available to those attending the retreat. Additionally, we will use some of the most poignant and beautiful music written by the Taizé Community as a way to frame our time of shared reflection and discussion. Reservations are due by February 16. For more information:
We are working on additional opportunities to help the community observe a Holy Lent. Watch this space.
Thank you! Thanks to those who brought in hats, gloves, scarves and even a couple of coats for the January CCC drive.
Supporting Deborah Danner
Many of you will remember Deborah Danner, who attended and was considered a member of three parishes in the Diocese, including St. Savior. Deborah was killed by police in her home nearly a year and a half ago while experiencing an episode of mental illness. The officer responsible for Deborah's death was charged with murder and is set to stand trial beginning this Tuesday, January 30th in the Bronx. We are asking that you continue to pray for her, for justice in this case and for better training for the police when they are faced with this situation so that people like Deborah are protected from harm. Clergy and staff from the Church of the Heavenly Rest will be attending the trial and invite their parishioners to join them. The trial is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m.
Happy Birthday to YOU!
We are pleased to announce that congregation members Phyllis Murray and Leslee Sumner have taken up a new ministry, sending birthday cards to congregation members. Our membership records contain birthday dates for about 75% of our members. If you think we don’t have yours, please send it to the wardens and we will update the database. (Here’s how you will know: February comes, you were born in January, and you didn’t receive a card.)
All the best,
Tim Dwyer and Marsha Ra
A Message from Canon Patrick Malloy
If you are an adult and are interested in being baptized at the Easter Vigil this year, please contact me or Steven Lee so that we can set up a one-to-one meeting in the few weeks. We will be enrolling all unbaptized adults interested in baptism into the catechumenate* on Sunday, February 18, 2018. So we hope to have these one-to-one meetings completed in late January and early February. Throughout Lent, those who have enrolled into the catechumenate will receive instruction and formation in the Christian faith in preparation for their baptism at the Easter Vigil.
*NOTE: As the Book of Occasional Services describes, the catechumenate is "a period of training and instruction in Christian understandings about God, human relationships, and the meaning of life, which culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation." This is an ancient form of preparation for adult baptism, practiced by the early church, which is being revived in the Episcopal church today.
JANUARY 30, 2018