Canon Lee
This Sunday, the entire parish of the Church of the Heavenly Rest has been invited to worship at the Cathedral. They describe in one of their recent newsletters the reason they are with us:
By a long tradition, Heavenly Rest allows Park Avenue Synagogue to use our entire campus for the celebration of Rosh Hashanah. This year it falls on a Sunday, thereby necessitating our worshipping elsewhere. We are grateful that the congregation of The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine is graciously welcoming us as guests at their worship service, and they have asked our Interim Rector, Bob Dannals, to be the preacher that morning.
It takes a mission-oriented culture for the members of a church community to give up their space for Sunday morning worship--more than a small inconvenience--so that the members of a different religious community can worship in their place. This generosity of spirit reminds us that the church is not a building, not even one as beautiful as Heavenly Rest. The church is the gathered assembly of the faithful.
The visit is also an occasion to reflect on the unique mission of the Cathedral. The Cathedral is the seat (cathedra) of the Bishop of New York, and thus, it is the Mother Church of the Diocese. By opening our doors to the clergy and laity of Heavenly Rest, the Cathedral lives into this unique mission, not just in word, but in deed.
The Rev. Canon Steven Lee
Sunday, Sept 17, 10:30 AM - The Church of the Heavenly Rest worships at the Cathedral. The Rev. Bob Dannals, Interim Rector, will preach and the choir of Heavenly Rest will join the Cathedral choir.
Sunday, Sept 17, 12:00 PM - Marie Howe, Poet in residence at the Cathedral, discusses her work, Magdalene: Poems, in the Poet's Corner.
September 19 - September 28 - Divine Pathways Art Exhibit Preparation
During Cathedral open hours between September 19-28, the artist Anne Patterson and her studio need help tying ribbons to trusses so that we can raise them to the ceiling. Meet the artist and her studio assistants who will train you on what to do. Come back anytime during the above dates to keep the project going. We would love to see you there. If you would like to join or have questions, please contact Dana Settles.
Sunday, Sept 24, 10:30 AM - Investiture of the first Community at the Crossing. The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Justin Welby, will preach.
RSVP: Please click Here.
Sunday, Oct 1, 10:30 AM - The Feast of St. Francis with the return of the Procession of Animals
Passes: Please click Here.
*Donate: Please click Here.
*Gifts of $300 or more will be thanked with a reserved seat at the service. If you would like to learn more, or honor a loved one, either pet or person, by sponsoring an animal in the procession, please contact Priscilla Bayley at You may also give using the QR Code below.

Thursday, Oct 12, 6:00 PM - Public Opening of Divine Pathways, a site-specific installation by artist Anne Patterson
Morning Prayer
8:00 AM - Online Diocesan service led by Bishop Heyd and Postulants and Candidates for Ordination. Link.
8:00 AM - In-person service led by the Community at the Crossing / Chemin Neuf in the Cathedral. Starting in mid-September.
8:30 AM - Online Cathedral service. Link.
Evening Prayer
5:30 PM - Online Cathedral service. Link.
Sunday, September 17
12:00 PM
Poet's Corner
Maria Howe, Poet in residence at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, will discuss her work, Magdalene: Poems, in the Poet's Corner.
Her poetry imagines the biblical figure of Mary Magdalene as a woman who embodies the spiritual and sensual, alive in a contemporary landscape―hailing a cab, raising a child, listening to news on the radio. Between facing the traumas of her past and navigating daily life, the narrator of Magdalene yearns for the guidance of her spiritual teacher, a Christ figure, whose death she continues to grieve. Erotic, spirited, and searching for meaning, she is a woman striving to be the subject of her own life, fully human and alive to the sacred in the mortal world.
Marie Howe is the author of four volumes of poetry including, Magdalene: Poems (W.W. Norton, 2017). From 2012 – 2014 she served as the Poet Laureate of New York State. She is the poet in residence at The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine and a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets.
Additional sessions on Sunday, October 15 and Sunday, October 29.
Time: Sundays: 12:00 – 1:00 PM
October 27-29, 2023
“Fall Triduum” led by Brother Robert Sevensky
The Fall Triduum refers to the three days that come during the week following our retreat weekend: Halloween, All Saints and All Souls and mirrors in a way the Spring or Easter Triduum, though in a minor key. We will explore the rich religious and folk history as well as the music and art surrounding these days: What does the Fall Triduum represent to us and how does it impact us even--perhaps especially--today? There is a mystical spirituality latent in this period that has its own power and excitement.
Where: Holy Cross Monastery, West Park, N.Y.
When: Friday, October 27, 2023 - Sunday, October 29, 2023
Leader: Brother Robert Sevensky
Cost: $300, includes private room with shared bath, and six meals (Friday supper-Sunday lunch).
Available Slots: 15
How to Register: Please register and pay through this link in Realm (Deadline: Sept. 30) (Payment is due upon registration.)
Contact Person: Michael Nixon
This retreat will be a wonderful experience, discussing a topic that would be of interest to many, led by Brother Robert Leo, who has worked with the Congregation of St. Saviour in the past. It is also a wonderful way to connect with members of the congregation more deeply and share something special.
In-Person Community
8:30 AM - Volunteer at the soup kitchen of Cathedral Community Cares
10:00 AM - Cathedral doors open
10:30 AM - Sunday service with the Church of the Heavenly Rest
12:00 PM - Poet-in-Residence Marie Howe to speak on her book, Magdalene: Poems
4:00 PM - Evensong
Online Community
10:30 AM - Live-stream of Sunday service
Congregation Column
Marsha Ra writes:
The Congregation of Saint Saviour and the Mustard Seed
You know the story of the mustard seed: the smallest of seeds, yet when planted it becomes this enormous shrub. I don’t think it even needs to be planted—it may be self seeding, as the botanists say. If you’ve been to the Holy Land, you see it all over the place, growing wild on the hilltops. I have heard sermons and seen commentary that suggest when Jesus likened the Kingdom of Heaven to a mustard seed, he was calling it subversive, something almost invisible that spreads throughout the world, taking root and sowing hope, love and joy. Well, I think of us, the Congregation of Saint Saviour, as like that tiny mustard seed planted at the Cathedral. We are a relatively small congregation, yet through our hospitality ministry every Sunday, we are changing the way our huge, gorgeous, but somewhat overwhelming Cathedral is experienced by the many visitors and strangers who walk in and worship with us. So many stay to have a bite and visit with us after the service. It is a joy to talk to them and learn about what brings them to us. I find that each week it gets easier to step into the crowd of people.
Our hospitality skills are going to be tested in a big way on Sunday, September 24, when the first cohort of the Community at the Crossing will be vested at the 10:30 service. The nave will be filled with many visitors, representatives of other Christian denominations, leaders from Chemin Neuf, and the Archbishop of Canterbury himself, the Most Reverend Justin Welby.
This is an important event in the life of the Cathedral and a special opportunity for our community to shine. In addition to many who will be ushering or volunteering in the liturgy, our special ministry of hospitality will be challenged by the sheer numbers of people expected. It is our goal to offer the warmest welcome to the many strangers who will be present, including His Grace, The Archbishop of Canterbury himself.
We will not be offering food and drink—the Cathedral staff will take care of that—so no need to bake brownies or pick up donuts or wash out coffee urns. Instead we will be welcoming people as they arrive and acting as hosts during the hospitality time after the service, circulating among those gathered, offering a word of welcome and answering questions. If you are willing and able to be part of this special “mustard seed” ministry on September 24, please email Marsha Ra, chair of the Hospitality Ministry.