News from the Congregation October 15, 2021
‘Spanish, Korean, Japanese and Mandarin Services’; ‘Our Junior Warden Wants to Hear From You’ | Global Mission Fair at Cathedral, Breast Cancer Blood Drive, Great Music in a Great Space’s David Briggs and Beethoven’s 9th (In-Person and On Zoom, Volunteer at CCC’s Sunday Soup Kitchen, Cathedral Workshops on Writing, St. Francis Day Coverage | Sunday Programs: 8:30 am Genesis Bible Study (Zoom), 10:30 am Worship Service - In-Person and Online, Virtual Coffee Hour |Weekday Programs: M-S Morning and Evening Prayer, Wednesday: 7:30 pm Paul’s Letter to the Romans Bible Study (Zoom)
Canon Lee
Spanish Language Service at Cathedral of St John the Divine
Last Sunday afternoon in the Chapel of St. Martin, about 20 people gathered to worship in Spanish. The singing was inspiring, and the music (a guitar) was lively. This service marked the beginning of the diocesan New Community ministry hosted at the Cathedral and led by Mother Kyrie Kim and her team. In the coming weeks, communities will gather to pray also in Korean, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese.
I had a teacher in seminary who once compared Pentecost in Acts 2 to Elijah meeting God in 1 Kings 19. There are differences in the passages. At Pentecost, there is "a sound like the rush of a violent wind." For Elijah, in the beautiful rending of the King James, "after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice." But the similarities are profound. After the Lord meets Elijah, who hides in a cave because of his fear of Jezebel, the Lord tells Elijah to “Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus,” and then to anoint several kings, as well as to make Elisha his successor. If we interpret Pentecost with 1 Kings 19 in mind, then its meaning becomes clear. Pentecost was the anointing, or spiritual empowerment, of people beyond the circle of the twelve apostles.
Outsiders became insiders.
In church, the boundary between outsider and insider is tricky. The longer we are part of a church, the more we want to spend time with people in the church. But the mission of the church is to proclaim the Good News, in word and in deed, to those outside of it. Thus, the more deeply we are part of a church community, the greater this sacrifice is. But as our Lord once told his disciples: Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:27)
A Message from the Wardens
Junior Warden, Bob Deming, on communications and community:
This reflection may seem about me, but it is intended to reflect some rudimentary efforts toward community.
I am filling in for Tim Dwyer as Junior Warden in a one-year term from February 2021 through January 2022. In the last few years, one part of the Warden’s role is to periodically share reflections that are posted on Friday mornings in News from the Congregation. I must admit that I had been looking forward to the opportunity for sharing because I had not done anything like that before. I made the conscious choice to put this message at the bottom of the times I have shared:
(For engagement or for communication about something of note, my email address is available in the Realm Directory, under my name Robert Deming.)
The intention was to open a pathway for communication. However, very few people have reached out to me.
I am going to make my second conscious effort for community outreach. My reasoning is that we are about one month into the reopening of the Cathedral for the in-person Sunday service. Many have returned, and it is uplifting to be back in contact with those whom I have known over the years as well as to meet worshipers who are new to me. My guess is some Congregation members have yet to return. If someone wants to open a line of communication, email me, and the interaction can develop from there.
NYBC Blood Drive in the Cathedral, Monday, October 18
The Cathedral and the New York Blood Center will host a blood drive on Monday, Oct 18 in commemoration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Registration in advance is recommended for those who would like to give blood. Please see the flyer for more details.
Great Music in a Great Space: Beethoven’s 9th, Tuesday, October 19
Artist in Residence David Briggs presents the world premiere of his scintillating new arrangement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the “Choral,” the next in the Cathedral’s 2021-2022 season of Great Music in a Great Space performances. This free performance is offered in tribute to the NYC medical community and other essential workers. While most of the free tickets have already been reserved, the concert will also be livestreamed for free for everyone to enjoy. Visit the Cathedral’s website for more info and to view the livestream on Oct 19.
Cathedral in the Media: St. Francis Day Coverage
The Feast of St. Francis on October 3 brought furry, feathered, and not-so-ferocious friends to the Cathedral grounds. New York Magazine shot a Look Book at the service, fantastic photos from which are included both in the current print edition and on their website. Many news outlets covered the service as well, including Fox 5, Pix11, CBS 2 News, and Eyewitness News at 5. Several print and online outlets also attended, from Our Town to the New York Daily News. Thank you to everyone whose hard work and great spirit made this year’s St. Francis Day so moving to all who came, and to everyone who was photographed with their pets!
Episcopal Diocese of New York - 5th Global Mission Fair
Saturday, October 16, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
In-person at The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine (also available via Zoom)
Featuring: The Rt. Rev. Dickson Chilongani, Bishop of the Diocese of Central Tanganyika in Tanzania; A Conversation Between The Rev. Paul Anthony Daniels
Assisting Clergy at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and The Rev. Ranjit K. Mathews, Canon for Mission Advocacy, Racial Justice, and Reconciliation. The Episcopal Church in Connecticut; Voices of the worldwide Anglican Communion including a performance by the renowned Youth Choir Young at Arts and a presentation of international music by the Choir of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
Click here for more details and to register!
At the September Vestry meeting this past Tuesday, the Vestry discussed a proposal to amend the Congregation's bylaws so that three Vestry members are elected for a term of three years, rather than four members. This would mean a Vestry of 12 members rather than 15 members.
If you have any feedback about this proposal, please contact the Wardens, Marsha Ra or Bob Deming. The Vestry will vote on the amendment at the October Vestry meeting on Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 pm on Zoom. All are welcome to attend.
Questions about Realm
Christopher Clowdus and Neil Reilly invite your questions about Realm, the Congregation's giving database, at this email address:
CCC - Volunteer Opportunity at Sunday Soup Kitchen
Join us at CCC's Sunday Soup Kitchen (8:30 am - 11:00 am) to help prepare and distribute food and to staff Saint Saviour's Table. Please CLICK HERE to sign up! Shifts are open through the first week in October. Thank you so much for volunteering!
THIS SUNDAY, October 17, 2021
In-Person Worship at the Cathedral
10:00 am - Doors to Cathedral open.
10:30 am - Eucharist Service (apprx. 1 hour)
The Cathedral requires those entering its buildings to show proof of vaccination and to wear a mask.
You can also watch a Livestream of the Cathedral Worship Service
On Facebook:
On the Cathedral website:
After the Sunday Service (11:45ish AM) - Digital Coffee Half-Hour Congregation Zoom Link
Monday-Saturday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer | 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday 7:30 pm Bible Study | Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Congregation Zoom Link
Sunday 8:30 am Bible Study | Genesis Congregation Zoom Link