News from the Congregation November 6, 2020
‘A people mindful of Thy favor’; ‘As God Gives us to see the Right’; Funeral Service for Leslie George Johnson, Post-Election Vigil of Hope 12-4pm | Sunday Programs (9:45 am Visit with the Vicar, 10 am Genesis Bible Study, 11 am Worship Service, 11:45 Vicar and Friends, 12 pm Coffee Half-Hour, Cancelled - 12:30 pm Eucharist Class. Weekday Programs (Wednesday Compline Service, Thursday YESS Bible Study, Thursday EfM Class, Friday Midday Prayer and Meditation).
Post-Election Vigil of Hope on the steps of the Cathedral
Canon Lee
As we await the resolution of this week's election, I would urge you to read the eloquent reflection by Timothy Dwyer, the Congregation's Junior Warden, which you can find below.
If you are able, I would also encourage you to come to the steps of the Cathedral this afternoon and witness with your clergy, neighbors, and fellow parishioners in our Post Election Vigil of Hope. I am so proud of how we have been ministering to our community, since Wednesday, by providing a much-needed space for reflection and prayer in these fraught times.
This video provides some media coverage of the vigil so far and gives a sense of this ministry.
Finally, I bid your continued prayers for our nation.
Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, 820)
Marsha and Tim
Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
Junior Warden Timothy Dwyer reflects on these divided times:
Peace was in sight when Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on March 4, 1865. After four years of bloody civil war, in his brief remarks Lincoln outlined his vision for reconciling the badly divided nation. Perhaps its most famous phrase is this one:
"With malice toward none with charity for all with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right let us strive on to finish the work we are in to bind up the nation's wounds….”
Lincoln would be assassinated just forty-one days later, on Good Friday, and succeeded by Andrew Johnson, who is widely considered to have been one of the worst Presidents in American history. As a southerner and white supremacist, Johnson advocated going easy on the defeated rebels. His opponents in Congress took the opposite approach, and Johnson’s Presidency dissolved into one of discord, civil strife, and impeachment. One can only wonder how different our nation’s history might have been if our nation had had Lincoln’s calm, humble, courageous leadership during the tumultuous and tragic years of Reconstruction.
We seem today more divided as a nation than we have been since that Spring 155 years ago, and I think that there is much we can learn from what Lincoln said at that time. The first part of the phrase, “With malice toward none with charity for all" is frequently quoted, but the second part – “with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right” – is, in my view, equally important. I think that Lincoln was saying that we had a Christian duty to be forgiving and kind to our adversaries, but at the same time national reconciliation did not require us to forget about the profound moral issue that fueled the war in the first place. Hug and shake hands, yes, but remember why you fought.
Today, though, it seems that we’ve set the bar very low for what statements or actions will earn swift condemnation and labeling and start us fighting. Don’t agree with me? Well then you’re a fascist. A socialist. A racist. An idiot. No longer my Facebook friend.
Some childhood friends and I are on opposite sides of the great political divide. I’ve been proud of the fact that we’ve been able to preserve our friendship at least in part by avoiding politics in our conversations, but maybe that’s been the wrong approach. Perhaps if we are to survive this period of social and political turmoil, we must be willing to listen to and understand those who view the world differently. Perhaps try to understand how they arrived at their point of view before we interrupt them to tell them how absolutely wrong it is. This doesn’t mean accepting or compromising with advocates of the extremes like violence or oppression, but it might mean reaching out to the neighbor, church-buddy, or old school friend who may have voted differently than you did. Maybe we could seek communication rather than resorting to labeling and memes. Look for the good in people. Look for the God in people. It would feel very Anglican, wouldn’t it?
I knew just which Lincoln quote I wanted to cite for this newsletter. But while re-reading the speech I stumbled upon another passage through which Lincoln seems to be speaking directly to us today:
“The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes.”
Leslie George Johnson (August 8, 1935 - October, 24, 2020)
Leslie George Johnson, beloved father of Saint Saviour member Harry Johnson, will be laid to rest today, November 6, 2020.
His “Thanksgiving Service” will be held at Caribe Funeral Home in Brooklyn, NY.
Viewing: 4:00 - 6:00 pm; Funeral 6:00 pm.
There is also an online Zoom option for those who are social distancing:
Zoom Meeting ID: 833 3939 8384; Password: 13865
This Thanksgiving, the Congregation and Cathedral are providing several ways to give back to our community.
On Wednesday November 25, all proceeds raised by our neighbors at the Hungarian Pastry shop will be donated to Cathedral Community Cares.
To continue the food distribution work that the vestry has funded, members of the congregation are working to provide turkeys to families in our neighborhood. If you are interested in participating in this project, click here.
Saint Saviour member Sonia Omulepu is working with Cathedral Community Cares on a toy drive.
More information on all of these programs will be provided in the coming weeks.
Post-Election Vigil of Hope - Steps of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine - 12PM - 4PM November 6 and 7, 2020
The Cathedral clergy joined by members of Saint Saviour have been praying for national unity and a peaceful, accurate vote count since November 4th. We will continue through November 6th and 7th Please join us, stop by for a half hour or stay for several hours! Experience the solace of communal prayer and help us create a safe, welcoming space for our neighbors.
THIS SUNDAY, November 1, 2020
***REMINDER: Daylight Savings Time officially ends at 2:00 am this Sunday, November 1. Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour on Saturday night, and enjoy an extra hour of sleep.
(To access each program on Zoom, click the link in the title.)
9:45 AM - Visiting with the Vicar
Join the Vicar fifteen minutes before Bible study to say hello and check in with other members of the congregation.
10:00 AM - In the Beginning: A Study of Genesis
Join the Vicar for a study of the first book of the Bible. Discover Genesis, not as a collection of ancient mythological stories, but as the Word of God addressing our fundamental and deepest needs. This Sunday, we continue our study of Genesis 4, under the heading: "The First (Dysfunctional Family, Part II."
11:00 AM - Congregation Watch Party for Cathedral Worship Service
Watch the Cathedral worship service on Zoom with other members of the Congregation. As a way to maintain a prayerful atmosphere, we will be turning off Zoom chat for the duration of the service.
You can also watch the Cathedral Worship Service
On Facebook:
On the Cathedral website:
11:45 PM - Vicar and Friends
Join the Vicar and occasional guests right after the service for a brief time to say hello and check in with other members of the congregation.
12:00 PM - Digital Coffee Half-Hour
Join us at this week’s Digital Coffee Hour to meet members of the congregation.
12:30 PM - Adult Formation Class - Eucharist in the Reformation
Sub-Dean Patrick Malloy continues his popular series on the history, theology, and practice of the Eucharist, starting with the Reformation. (Cancelled Nov. 8)
Wednesdays | 7:30 PM - Midweek Reflection and Discussion
“Advent: Season of Second Chances.” Starts Dec 2. 2020
Wednesdays | 8:30 PM - Congregation Compline
Fridays | 12:15 PM - Midday Prayer and Meditation
The Angelus and 10 minutes of silent meditation. Stay afterwards to connect with the Vicar and others in the parish.
Thursdays | 6:30 PM - Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry is designed for lay people who want to delve more deeply but are not necessarily interested in ordination; EfM classes provide a more formal study of scriptures and the history of the faith. Current Topic: “Living into the Journey with God”
Thursdays | 6:00 PM - YESS Bible Study
The Young Episcopalians of Saint Saviour continue their Bible study of the Gospel of Matthew.
Reminder: you can find a directory of weekly programs with links to each program’s Zoom by clicking here.