News from the Congregation February 12, 2023
‘‘‘ ’ ; ‘New Warden Bob Deming’ ” | Dates to Remember | Sunday Programs: 10:30am Worship Service In-Person and Online, 11:30am All Are Welcome Coffee Hour | Weekday Programs: M-S Morning and Evening Prayer (Zoom)
A Message from the Wardens
Bob Deming, Sr Warden
I am happy to be elected Warden. My first day in the new position was not ideal, as I had to miss the Annual Meeting, due to a family matter. I have heard from others that the meeting went well, and I am not surprised, as those in the community ever step up. To me, community is the strength of the Congregation.
I happened to be traveling on the morning of February 5th, starting at JFK Airport. As I was waiting at the gate for the flight I was about to board, I noticed a few different people praying. That set off a reflection about my customary Sunday morning routine.
Usually, I arrive at the Cathedral around 9:30 and help to get the table ready for the coffee ministry, bringing out supplies and heating the water up for tea, hot chocolate, and coffee. The 10:30 AM service follows, then the coffee hour gathering takes place, and lastly there is the clean-up. My overall Sunday morning experience is being part of a group, which varies in size from small to large. I am grateful that worshiping at the Cathedral on a Sunday morning is a group experience. That is what differentiates my Sundays from the rest of the week which for better or worse is predominantly oriented individually.
NEWS FROM THE CATHEDRAL - Cathedral of Saint John the Divine (
Feb 14 - Renewal of Vows service at the Cathedral
Feb 15 - Mother Eva Suarez begins at the Cathedral
Feb 19 - St. Martin's Episcopal Church worships at the Cathedral in celebration of its 95th anniversary and its rector, the Rev. Patrick Williams, will preach. There will be lots of great food!! Please show up!
Feb 22 - Ash Wednesday
NEWS FROM THE DIOCESE Home - Episcopal Diocese of New York (
The Weekly Sunday Hospitality continues.
Research shows that the more you give the more you get. The more you help, the more invested you become in your church and the more it feeds you. Isn’t that amazing? Do you enjoy the coffee and the treats--the time together every week for conversation and welcoming of visitors? To keep this ministry going we need to expand the number of people involved. If you are on the list of helpers and providers of snacks, THANK YOU! If you haven’t volunteered yet— why not join the team? There is nothing exclusive about it. All are welcome to help out. If you can come once a month or every 6 -8 weeks to set up before the service and clean-up after the coffee hour, please contact Marsha Ra or Sue Sobolewski. Or talk to us on any Sunday. We will get you started on this ministry.
Questions about Realm, the Congregation’s Online Hub for Giving, Volunteering, and Reaching Out to One Another
The Admin team would love to hear from you. Whether you need help making the shift to online donations, setting up your account, or just want to know what Realm can do for you, please contact Laura and Bob at this email address:
In-Person Worship at the Cathedral
10:00 am - Doors to Cathedral open.
10:30 am - Eucharist Service
11:30 am - All Are Welcome Coffee Hour
You can also watch a Livestream of the Cathedral Worship Service
On Facebook:
On the Cathedral website:
Monday-Saturday | 8:30 AM Morning Prayer | 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Wednesday 7:30 pm Bible Study | Paul’s Letter to the Romans | Congregation Zoom Link (On Hiatus until April)