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Diocesan Event - Online Prayer Service on Inauguration Day with Bishops Dietsche, Shin, and Glasspool


A Service of Prayer for Our Country and Its People

We invite all across our diocese to tune in and pray with us, that we may be, across our differences, one people before God, raising one prayer together for the safety and well-being of our nation and peoples

The Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche, Bishop Diocesan
The Rt. Rev. Allen K. Shin, Bishop Suffragan
The Rt. Rev. Mary D. Glasspool, Bishop Assistant

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If you can join us, we look forward to being together in prayer. If you cannot, please offer prayers on your own, wherever you are. Pray for the President and Vice President of the United States, and for the President-elect and Vice President-elect of the United State. Pray for the members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and for the Justices of the Supreme Court. Pray for the fractured and divided people of America. Pray for those who share your political convictions, and for those who don’t. Pray for justice for those who live at the margins of society, and for those who by virtue of race and ethnicity have been denied the fullness of opportunity in America. Last week our Presiding Bishop selected several prayers and collects from our Book of Common Prayer and commended them to us for our use. Over these next days please make those part of your daily prayers that we may be one voice together in the Spirit.”

January 19

Let it Shine: Lighting a Candle for Unity Vigil on the Eve of the Inauguration

January 20

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